Renewable Energy - Press Center

Energy press releases: Sweden


PNE AG sells its Swedish companies to Aneo

21.01.2025 | Cuxhaven (renewablepress) - In mid-January 2025, PNE AG sold its two Swedish subsidiaries PNE Sverige AB and VKS Vindkraft Sverige AB to the Norwegian energy supply company Aneo. The business comprises the companies based in Gothenburg and Motala, respectively, as well as the project pipeline. It consists of wind energy and photovoltaic projects with a total output of 300 MW in various phases of project development and a further 700 MW in the early stages of development. The parties have agreed not to disclose the purchase price. ‘We are delighted that in Aneo we have found a buyer who is just as committed to the expansion of ren... ... weiter...

Deutsche Windtechnik AG

Deutsche Windtechnik Sweden develops first contract to extend the oper...

17.09.2024 | Bremen (renewablepress) - Deutsche Windtechnik Sweden is delighted to announce the signing of a full-maintenance contract with Wallenstam for 23 Vestas V90 wind turbines. The turbines are spread across nine different wind farms in southern Sweden. The contract covers servicing un... ... weiter...

wpd GmbH

wpd reports strong growth in the Northern European market

12.03.2024 | Bremen (renewablepress) - wpd is one of the leading project planners and operators of onshore wind energy projects in Europe. With the strong teams of wpd Scandinavia in Stockholm, Sweden, and wpd Suomi in Espoo and Oulu, Finland, the Bremen-based company is also very successful ... ... weiter...

Nordex SE

Nordex Group receives orders for 553 MW from Sweden

03.01.2024 | Hamburg (renewablepress) - End of 2023, the Nordex Group received orders for four wind farms in Sweden totaling 553 MW from the investment company for renewable energy - Renewable Power Capital - which operates across Europe. The orders also include a Premium Plus Service f... ... weiter...

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Nordex Group receives orders from wpd for 109 MW in Sweden and Finland Nordex SE Felix Losada Felix Losada
Onshore wind farm “Stöllsäterberget“: KfW IPEX-Bank finances another wpd wind pro... wpd AG
Five years of independent, multi-brand wind services in Sweden: Deutsche Windtechnik of... DE252570942 Karola Kletzsch Karola Kletzsch
wpd signs supply contract with Nordex for Swedish onshore project DE239541638 Christian Schnibbe Christian Schnibbe
wpd europe places order with Nordex Group for 47 MW in Sweden DE813076467 Felix Losada Felix Losada
energy consult establishes subsidiaries in Poland and Sweden and expands its internatio... DE292712428
Deutsche Windtechnik to provide maintenance for eight Siemens SWT 2,3 DD turbines in Sw... DE252570942 Karola Kletzsch Karola Kletzsch
Swedish utility Jämtkraft and Persson Invest awarded Nordex Group an order for 131 MW ... DE813076467 Felix Losada Felix Losada
Nordex Group commences turbine installation at its largest wind farm in Europe DE813076467 Felix Losada Felix Losada
Tough battle against the rock: wpd europe GmbH completes infrastructure and foundation ... DE239541638 Christian Schnibbe Christian Schnibbe

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