Renewable Energy - Press Center

Energy press releases: Australia

Capcora GmbH

ENERPARC divests 193 MWp solar Photovoltaic portfolio in Australia

04.04.2023 | Frankfurt am Main (renewablepress) - Enerparc Australia Pty Ltd, part of ENERPARC Group, which is one of Europe’s leading utility-scale photovoltaic companies, divests 193 MWp of their Australian PV portfolio to Ingka Investments, the investment arm of Ingka Group. Capcora, a German consulting company, acted as M&A advisor for ENERPARC in the transaction. The portfolio comprises three ground-mounted projects located in New South Wales, including two operational solar PV parks in Peak Hill and Trundle, near Parkes, in central-west New South Wales, with a cumulative capacity of 13.3 MWp, and a third utility-scale 180 MWp solar PV park curren... ... weiter...


wpd and Australis Energy agree joint venture for three offshore projec...

26.08.2022 | Bremen/Germany and Collingwood/Australia (renewablepress) - wpd offshore Australia Holding GmbH (wpd), part of wpd group, and Australis Energy Ltd (Australis) have entered into a 50:50 joint venture for three offshore wind energy projects off the coast of Australia. The developme... ... weiter...

juwi AG

juwi to construct ground breaking solar hybrid project for TransAlta a...

03.08.2021 | Perth / Wörrstadt (renewablepress) - Two solar farms at Leinster and Mt Keith with a combined power of 38 MW and a 10 MW battery-energy storage system will tangibly reduce CO2 emission. The Australian subsidiary of German renewable energy specialist juwi AG, signed an agreemen... ... weiter...


Nordex Group receives order for 923 MW in Australia for MacIntyre wind...

26.08.2022 | Hamburg (renewablepress) - Of the potential orders for 1 GW from Australia announced as on 14 June 2021 via an ad-hoc notification, the Nordex Group can confirm the order for the first project "MacIntyre" for 923 MW as a firm order intake for July 2021. The subsidiary of it... ... weiter...

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Ad-hoc bulletin: Nordex SE informs about potential order for 1 GW wind farm in Australia DE813076467 Felix Losada Felix Losada
juwi to construct 13.6MWp solar farm for APA at the Gruyere Gold Mine juwi AG
juwi to construct solar park for Jabiru in the Northern Territory juwi AG
juwi to construct wind and solar farm in regional Western Australia juwi AG
Nordex Group opens branch office in Australia DE813076467 Felix Losada Felix Losada
Nordex awarded follow-up contract from Australia DE813076467 Felix Losada Felix Losada
Nordex supplies 22 large turbines to Australia DE813076467 Felix Losada Felix Losada
juwi starts construction on world juwi AG
BELECTRIC Australia receives planning permission for its first solar power plant in Aus... BELECTRIC Solarkraftwerke GmbH
Phoenix Solar AG builds photovoltaic plant on the roof of the German School in Sydney, ... Phoenix Solar AG

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