Energy press releases: Italy
wpd GmbH
wpd enters into PPA with LyondellBasell for Italian wind farm project
30.01.2025 | Bremen (renewablepress) - wpd, one of the leading international planners and operators of wind farms and solar parks, has signed a ten-year Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with the Netherlands-based company LyondellBasell for the Italian onshore wind project Licata. The Licata wind farm is located on the southern coast of Sicily and is currently under construction. The seven Vestas V150 turbines with a total capacity of 30 MW will generate around 79,000 megawatt hours of electrical energy per year, which corresponds to the electricity consumption of approximately 32,000 households. It is the first project from a 1.3 GW pipeline in Italy, w... ... weiter...
Capcora GmbH
ENERSIDE sells Italian Agri-solar PV and BESS combo to Chint Solar
30.04.2024 | Frankfurt am Main (renewablepress) - ENERSIDE today announced the sale of 360 MWp agrivoltaic solar project with an integrated battery energy storage system (BESS) of 82.5 MWh in Sardina, Italy. The acquirer is Chint Solar Europe (“Chint Solar”), which buys the project via its su... ... weiter...
Capcora GmbH
Coversol Solar Investments secures mezzanine financing for the constru...
22.03.2024 | Frankfurt am Main (renewablepress) - Coversol Solar Investments GmbH (“CSI”) successfully secured a junior debt facility for a portfolio of rooftop PV systems on commercial and industrial (C&I) buildings with a total capacity of 29 MWp (“Coversol 1”) in Italy. The funds are being... ... weiter...
Capcora GmbH
Capcora advises Goodyields on the sale of an operational solar PV proj...
30.01.2024 | Frankfurt am Main (renewablepress) - LCF Alliance (“LCF”) adds another photovoltaic project in Italy to its renewable energy portfolio. The solar park with a capacity of around 2.5 MWp is located in Sicily. The seller of the project is the Renewable Energy Infrastructure Fund II ... ... weiter...
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