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Press Release

Publisher: Conergy AG

Conergy is now also present and closer to customers in Belgium, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom

Hamburg/Lille, 20 June 2006 - Thanks to the acquisition of IZEN nv and Zen International Production and Trade bvba Conergy AG is now represented close to customers around the world in 22 countries. With some 40 employees and a well-developed sales network in the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, France and Belgium, the Zen Group’s profitable subsidiaries have specialized in the manufacture and distribution of solar systems components for more than 10 years. The experience of the two companies and its employees will help Conergy to further expand and market its product lines in all of the solar markets in Western Europe.

With the acquisition, Conergy is also entering into solar drain-back systems technology
Thanks to the acquired drain-back systems technology, Conergy is also growing into a technological leader in the production of solar-thermic high-tech components adapted to the needs of every climatic zone. It is designed in particular for the changeable weather conditions in Northern Europe, and guarantees a particularly long product life for solar collectors thanks to the automatic evacuation of the water circulating in the solar system in the event of over- or under-heating, which decisively improves efficiency.

With the integration of thermosyphon technology, which is in particular demand in warm southern regions, Conergy has, thanks to the drain-back system technology, a further leading solar technology for all climate zones at its disposal. With the new technologies Conergy offers product lines of efficient solar electricity systems coupled with solar hot water systems, optimally adapted to regional needs, to any energy user around the world. “The acquisition is a further milestone for Conergy on the road to becoming a solar technology leader. We are thus extending the range offered by our distributors around the world and are also developing additional potential turnover and profits for our renewable energy systems in Northern Europe,” says Hans-Martin Rüter, Managing director and founder of Conergy AG.

For further information please contact:

Conergy AG
Anckelmannsplatz 1
20537 Hamburg
PR Department: Mr. Thorsten Vespermann
Phone: +49 (0)40 / 23 71 02-171
Fax: +49 (0)40 / 23 71 02-148>

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