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Press Release

Publisher: Nordex SE

Nordex Group's new concrete tower plant in Spain starts operation

© Nordex SE
Hamburg (renewablepress) - After only four months of construction work the Nordex Group has started up its new mobile concrete tower production plant in Spain. In Motilla del Palancar, in Castilla-La Mancha, a production facility for concrete towers covering more than 120,000 square metres has been set up.

The Nordex Group began production of the first concrete tower segments already in September 2020. Today the Group employs 250 people in this plant and later this figure is to be increased to 300. The factory only manufactures for the Group's own requirements.

The interior is equipped with powerful cranes in order to lift the segments, weighing from 45 to 55 tons, within the factory. Seven moulds are used to produce the convex concrete tower segments, measuring between 17 and 20 metres. The Nordex Group obtains the concrete from a local supplier in the immediate vicinity.

The plant is able to turn out a total of 50 concrete tower segments a week. This equates to two towers with hub heights of 120 metres. The Nordex Group is currently equipping four wind farm projects in Spain with concrete towers. The segments are assembled on site in the wind farms when the turbines are set up.

"The know-how regarding the design and production method of our concrete towers for our turbines is a core skill for implementing our customers' wind energy projects in a cost-efficient manner. For example, by producing the concrete towers on site near to the wind farm we are able to reduce the logistics costs as the transport distances and times are much shorter," explains José Luis Blanco, CEO of the Nordex Group.

Like the eleven plants for tower manufacture established by the Nordex Group around the world, this factory is also based on a mobile concept. In principle the plant can be completely dismantled and assembled again anywhere in the world close to the new wind farms to be built. For instance, some cranes in Motilla del Palancar come from a concrete factory in India while some of the moulds come from Spain and from a plant in Chile.

The Nordex Group - a profile

The Group has installed more than 30 GW of wind energy capacity in over 40 markets and in 2019 generated revenues of EUR 3.3 billion. The company currently employs a workforce of more than 8,400. The joint manufacturing capacity includes factories in Germany, Spain, Brazil, the United States, India, Argentina and Mexico. The product portfolio is focused on onshore turbines in the 2.4 to 5.X MW class, which are tailor-made for the market requirements of countries with limited space and regions with limited grid capacity.

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© Nordex SE
© Nordex SE

Hamburg, 01 December 2020

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Media contact:
Nordex SE
Felix Losada
Phone: +49 (0)40-30030–1000

Contact for investors:
Nordex SE
Felix Zander
Phone: +49 (0)40-30030–1000

Nordex SE
Langenhorner Chaussee 600
22419 Hamburg


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About Nordex SE

The development, manufacture, project management and servicing of wind turbines in the onshore segment has been the core competence and passion of the Nordex Group and its more than 7,900 employees worldwide since 1985. As one of the world's largest wind turbine manufacturers, the Nordex Group offers high-yield, cost-efficient wind turbines under the Acciona Windpower and Nordex brands that enable long-term and economical power generation from wind energy in all geographical and climatic conditions.

The focus is on turbines in the 3 to 5MW+ class, and the Group’s comprehensive product portfolio offers individual solutions for both markets with limited space and regions with limited grid capacities. With more than 29 GW of installed capacity worldwide, Nordex Group systems deliver sustainable energy throughout more than 80 per cent of the world’s energy market (excluding China).

Nordex SE is listed on the TecDAX of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. The management holding company is headquartered in Rostock, while the executive board and administrative offices are based in Hamburg. At production facilities in Germany, Spain, Brazil, the US, and India, the Nordex Group produces its own nacelles, rotor blades and concrete towers. The Group also maintains offices and branches in more than 25 countries.

Press contact at Nordex SE

Felix Losada
Phone: +49 - (40) - 300 30 - 1141

Felix Losada

Press contact

Felix Losada

Felix Losada
Nordex SE
Phone: +49 - (40) - 300 30 - 1141