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Press Release

Publisher: REETEC GmbH

REETEC launch a field test to enhance safety at onshore sites

- REETEC is testing state-of-the-art generation defibrillators on several onshore sites

Bremen/Germany (renewablepress) - REETEC, EDF EN Services´ subsidiary dedicated to wind energy installations and Operations and Maintenance (O&M) on- and offshore, is announcing the launch of a field test of teleconsultation system to continue improving the first aid concept on onshore wind sites. This defibrillator of the latest generation is aimed at easing communication and preventing difficulties with different languages between staff, external rescue teams or emergency physicians. Depending of the result of the field test, REETEC wants to equip all REETEC on- and offshore teams with this life-saving telemedical system.

Safety first. REETECs last HSE results show 938 days without lost time accident for REETECs employees. REETEC is strongly committed to provide its employees with maximum safety measures, using clear and strict procedures, plus innovative equipment. Wind power O&M services require high safety standards in order to reach the best risk mitigation process. All REETEC technicians are trained as first-aiders (EHO standard). Ongoing development of rescue technology and operations, such as this field test, is crucial to further optimize REETEC´s first-aid concept. This teleconsultation system being tested is complementary to REETEC´s safety policy.

IPAD-CU SP2 defibrillator system will be tested by REETEC staff during the next 6 months.
While the main difficulty is to reach a steady data transmission at different sites of assignment, this equipment available in different languages, permits a fluent exchange of information between emergency physician and first-aiders on site and allows delivering first information about the condition of the person who need assistance. The system in test period is well protected and integrates a live camera which allows video transmission.

REETEC Managing Director, Detlef Lindenau, says: “Safety for REETEC´s employees remains the focus behind all strategic and operational business decisions. Our latest HSE (Health Safety and Environment) results demonstrates 938 days without lost time accident for REETEC employees. Inspired by wind energy and by the most innovative technological solutions. This field test is a new opportunity for REETEC to further optimize our first-aid concept. We are working towards optimised safety conditions for REETECs technicians on all European onshore sites with the deployment of the new system following test result.”

According to the test results, REETEC will consider equipping all its onshore and offshore teams with this innovative, tele-medical system, already common practice in offshore Inspection, Maintenance and Repair (IMR) and installation activities.

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Bremen, May 9th, 2017

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Media contact:
Heike Winkler
Phone: +49 (0)174-3418435

Konsul-Smidt-Str. 71
D-28217 Bremen


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REETEC was founded 1996 in Bremen and is one of Europe’s leading independent service providers for onshore and offshore wind energy. The comprehensive service portfolio ranges from operation & maintenance services (O&M), major component replacement and repair, rotor blade and tower services, electrical and mechanical assembly, electrical engineering, qualification and training to aviation aid systems.  

REETEC acquired OWS Off-Shore Wind Solutions in 2017. The joint offshore service centre in Emden offers a service hub for wind turbine generators of the North Sea plus a cost effective full maintenance concept. REETEC/OWS has 330 employees.

Press contact at REETEC GmbH

Heike Winkler
Phone: +49 (0)421/39987-0