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Press Release

Publisher: GEO-NET Umweltconsulting GmbH

Energy yield assessments considering climate change

© manativ, Manfred Postler
Hannover (renewablepress) - GEO-NET Umweltconsulting GmbH from Hanover (GEO-NET) can now perform wind energy yield assessments considering various climate scenarios.

Not least due to climate change, an increased expansion of renewable energies must be driven forward. GEO-NET makes an important contribution to the financing of wind energy projects by providing bankable reports and measurement campaigns.

In the last year, the question of how climate change will affect the energy yield of wind farms during their operating period was increasingly raised at various conferences and industry meetings. Additionally, the November 2022 BWE standard for a well-managed wind farm with direct financial citizen participation from the German Wind Energy Association also calls for future developments such as climate change to be appropriately described and adequately considered when preparing wind and yield assessments. In order to forecast how the influence of climate change will affect meteorological variables and thus the yield of wind farms, GEO-NET has added a new service to its product portfolio.

This is based on a coupling of coarse climate models with the CFD model FITNAH-3D, which has been tested for many years and is constantly being further developed. As climate models, regional climate projections from the CORDEX initiative for various RCP (Representative Concentration Pathways) scenarios are used.

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© manativ, Manfred Postler

Hannover, 09 May 2023

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GEO-NET Umweltconsulting GmbH
Dominik Adler
Business Development
Phone: +49 511 388 72 00
Mob: +49 172 540 7888
Fax: +49 511 388 72 01

GEO-NET Umweltconsulting GmbH
Große Pfahlstraße 5a
30161 Hannover


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