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Press Release

Publisher: Internationales Wirtschaftsforum Regenerative Energien (IWR)

1986 切尔诺贝利核事故:危机为再生能源兴起提供契机

明斯特(IWR 新闻服务)— 25年前的切尔诺贝利核事故大大推动了全世界再生能源技术的发展。位于明斯特的国际再生能源经济论坛 (IWR) 称,这一发展过程却不是从乌克兰核电站事故之后立刻开始的,而是在一段时间以后发生的。“在 1986 年停止使用核能源并不容易做到,因为缺少可投入使用的替代性技术,可今天就不同了。”,诺伯特·阿尔诺希 (Norbert Allnoch) 博士在切尔诺贝利核灾难发生25周年纪念日之际说。

切尔诺贝利事故在 80 年代末和 90 年代初的德国触发了一系列发展再生能源科技的政治措施。除了 250 兆瓦风力项目、1000 个屋顶光电项目之外,1991 年 1 月 1 日实行的节电法案(可再新能源法 EEG 的前身)都为持续至今日的发展提供了具有决定意义的初期动力。当初发电量为 30 到 150 千瓦的小风力发电设备,今天发展成了具有 3 到 7 兆瓦 (MW) 发电功率的现代设备。太阳能设备每千瓦 (kW) 存储功率的价格从 1990 年至今已降低了 90 个百分点。


明斯特,2011 年 4 月 26 日

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The press release "1986 切尔诺贝利核事故:危机为再生能源兴起提供契机" von Internationales Wirtschaftsforum Regenerative Energien (IWR) is also available in the following languages:

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About Internationales Wirtschaftsforum Regenerative Energien (IWR)

In 1996, the International Economic Platform for Renewable Energies (IWR) was established as an independent and private service institution of the renewable energy industry. The IWR focuses on the fields of research, economic and policy consultation as well as media and international networks in the renewable or regenerative energies sector. One main objective of the IWR is to play an instrumental role in introducing and spreading awareness for an industrial, international business profile of the renewable energy industry.
Dr. Norbert Allnoch, Director of the International Economic Platform of Renewable Energies (IWR), 1995, on the definition: "According to our definition, the Renewable Energy Industry is one which takes an interdisciplinary approach to the issue of renewable energy supply (protecting both the climate and resources) and the construction of renewable plants and systems (industry policy for the three areas electricity, heat and fuel."Chronology of the Renewable Energy Industry - Important IWR contributions, including prizes and awards - 2007 Publication of the first structural analysis for a federal state according to the IWR-analysis method for renewable systems engineering and services�(study "Zur Lage der regenerativen Energiewirtschaft in NRW" )2007 International network-contacts:IWR-director Dr. Allnoch speaks with King Harald V. of Norway and �slaug Haga, norwegian minister of energy Presentation of the network / RENIXX in the USA, dialogue with McGinty, environment minister of Pennsylvania2006 IWR starts renewable stock index RENIXX� (