24.01.2025 | Münster (renewablepress) - The global market for nuclear power plants has been stagnating at a very low level for years, with no real renaissance in sight. Even in view of the expected short-term increase in electricity demand from data centers for AI applications, new nuclear power plants are not a realistic option due to the long construction times alone.
According to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), only six new nuclear power plants went into operation worldwide in 2024 (2023: five). At the same time, four old nuclear power plants (2023: five) were permanently decommissioned. The global net addition of nuclear power plant...
17.01.2025 | Münster (renewablepress) - Electricity prices in the German wholesale sector fell to an average of 7.95 cents/kWh in 2024 - a decrease of 16.8% compared to 2023 (9.55 cents/kWh). This is the second price drop in a row. Despite the complete nuclear phase-out, the electricity price... more...
10.01.2025 | Münster (renewablepress) - The expansion of wind energy in Germany in 2024 will not be able to match the growth of previous years. A total of 701 wind turbines (2023: 782 turbines) with a capacity of 3,920 MW (2023: 3,843 MW) went into operation last year. This is the result of a... more...
03.01.2025 | Münster (renewablepress) - he photovoltaic boom in Germany will continue unabated in 2024: As in the previous year, the mark of one million newly commissioned solar installations was exceeded. With a solar capacity of more than 16,000 MW in 2024 (2023: 15,500 MW), Germany will re... more...
13.09.2024 | Münster (renewablepress) - The use of solar energy in Germany continues to grow. From January to August 2024, new solar systems with a capacity of around 10,200 MW were installed (same period in 2023: 10,100 MW). This is the result of a recent evaluation of data from the Market M... more...
11.01.2024 | Münster (renewablepress) - Wholesale electricity prices in Germany fell sharply at the end of 2023. In December 2023, the wholesale price on the spot market fell to an average of 6.9 cents/kWh of electricity, a decrease of 24 per cent compared to the previous month of November (9... more...
21.12.2023 | Münster (renewablepress) - The construction of the new British nuclear power plant Hinkley Point C has been delayed and will be significantly more expensive than planned for the French nuclear power company EDF. But not only are the construction costs for the two new nuclear powe... more...
21.11.2023 | Münster (renewablepress) - Wholesale electricity prices in Germany were 43.1 per cent lower in October 2023 than in October 2022 despite the nuclear phase-out in April 2023, according to an analysis of data from the EPEX Spot Power Exchange by the Internationales Wirtschaftsforum... more...
20.10.2023 | Münster (renewablepress) - In Germany, wind energy is by far the most important energy source in the electricity sector in the current year 2023. Today (19.10.2023) the mark of 100 billion kWh of wind power was already exceeded this year. Of this, around 83 billion kWh is account... more...
30.09.2023 | Münster (renewablepress) - The ongoing photovoltaic boom in Germany is leading to record growth and is already exceeding the federal government's expansion targets for 2023 as a whole. From January to August 2023, more than 700,000 new solar installations with a capacity of aroun... more...
18.08.2023 | Münster (renewablepress) - In Germany, the market for wind and solar plants is growing at a high pace in the current year. From January to July 2023 alone, wind and solar plants with a combined capacity of just over 10,000 MW (10,006 MW) went into operation (Jan - July 2022: 5,42... more...
11.07.2023 | Münster (renewablepress) - New wind and solar plants with a record capacity of 8,000 MW (8 GW) went into operation in Germany in the first half of 2023. This is the result of an initial analysis of data from the Market Master Data Register (MaStR) maintained at the Bundesnetzagen... more...
08.09.2022 | Münster (renewablepress) - The expansion of wind and solar power plants in Germany will continue unabated in the current year. The International Economic Forum for Renewable Energies (IWR) in Münster expects new wind and solar plants with a capacity of around 10,000 MW in Germany... more...
26.08.2022 | Münster - The renewable energy industrial index RENIXX World ended 2019 with significant gains. The global stock index for renewables closed at 58.2 percent (672.44 points) higher than the previous year's closing value (2018: 424.93 points), reported the Münster-based IWR, a Müns... more...
26.08.2022 | Münster (renewablepress) - In 2018 solar plants in Europe are heading towards a record level in the generation of solar power. Yesterday (12.10.2018), solar power exceeded the 100 billion kilowatt hour mark (2017: 21.11.2017), at an earlier point in the year than ever before, acc... more...
26.08.2022 | Münster (renewablepress) - In 2016, the generation of electricity in Germany from onshore and offshore wind turbines will overtake that from nuclear power plants. This is revealed by an initial extrapolation from current data carried out by IWR, a renewable energy institute.
... more...
26.08.2022 | Muenster - Stock exchange year 2015 was also a positive one for investors in green shares. At 492.39 points, the principal international index for renewable energies, RENIXX World (Renewable Energy Industrial Index), closed the year 31.4 percent higher than 12 months earlier (201... more...
26.08.2022 | Muenster - "Green" stocks continued on an upward trajectory in the first half of 2015. According to the Muenster-based IWR, a renewable energy institute, the RENIXX World (Renewable Energy Industrial Index), the leading international stock index for the renewable energy industry,... more...
26.08.2022 | Muenster - The series of storms this week enabled Germany to set a new record for wind and solar power. According to IWR, a German renewable energy institute based in Muenster, wind and solar facilities delivered nearly 44,000 megawatt (MW) of power during peak times on Monday, 3... more...
26.08.2022 | Muenster - The stormy and unsettled weather of the last weeks has brought a new record for wind energy in Germany. December 2014 saw just under nine billion kilowatt hours (kWh) of wind power electricity generated in Germany, more than ever produced in one month before, the Germa... more...
26.08.2022 | Muenster - Green shares have ended 2014 in the main with their market prices well up. As of year-end, according to the German renewable energy institute IWR, the RENIXX World (Renewable Energy Industrial Index) stock index stood at 374.84 points, which was 17.1 per cent higher th... more...
26.08.2022 | Muenster - Global CO2 emissions hit a new record level again in 2013. At 35.1 billion tonnes, about 670 million more tonnes of carbon dioxide from fossil fuels was blown into the atmosphere than in the previous year (2012: about 34.4 billion tonnes), IWR, a Muenster-based renewab... more...
26.08.2022 | Muenster - In 2013, the German power sector earned more than ever before from the export of electricity. Last year, Germany exported electricity worth € 3.76 billion to neighbouring countries. At the same time, € 1.81 billion worth of electricity was imported, according to the IW... more...
26.08.2022 | Muenster - The downward trend of Germany’s electricity rates continues unabated. Following the shutdown of eight German nuclear power plants, electricity rates have bucked most projections – instead of substantially increasing, they have actually dropped to almost half – this acc... more...
26.08.2022 | Muenster - Since the beginning of the year, there have been constantly growing surpluses in the billions on the EEG levy account. According to the IWR, a renewable energy institute in Muenster, the income and expenditure account for the EEG levy, which is managed by the grid oper... more...
26.08.2022 | Muenster - In 2013, Germany exported more electricity than ever before. The power suppliers achieved an export surplus of nearly 34 billion (bn.) kilowatt hours (kWh) that year, according to the Muenster-based IWR, a renewable energy institute, using data from European grid opera... more...
26.08.2022 | - Global increase in CO2 emissions tempered by growth in renewable energies and shale gas production in U.S.
Muenster - The global CO2 emissions have reached a new record level for the third time in a row in 2012. The 34.43 billion tonnes (2011: ca. 33.99 billion tonnes) of gr... more...
About Internationales Wirtschaftsforum Regenerative Energien (IWR)
In 1996, the International Economic Platform for Renewable Energies (IWR) was established as an independent and private service institution of the renewable energy industry. The IWR focuses on the fields of research, economic and policy consultation as well as media and international networks in the renewable or regenerative energies sector. One main objective of the IWR is to play an instrumental role in introducing and spreading awareness for an industrial, international business profile of the renewable energy industry.
Dr. Norbert Allnoch, Director of the International Economic Platform of Renewable Energies (IWR), 1995, on the definition: "According to our definition, the Renewable Energy Industry is one which takes an interdisciplinary approach to the issue of renewable energy supply (protecting both the climate and resources) and the construction of renewable plants and systems (industry policy for the three areas electricity, heat and fuel."Chronology of the Renewable Energy Industry - Important IWR contributions, including prizes and awards - 2007 Publication of the first structural analysis for a federal state according to the IWR-analysis method for renewable systems engineering and services�(study "Zur Lage der regenerativen Energiewirtschaft in NRW" )2007 International network-contacts:IWR-director Dr. Allnoch speaks with King Harald V. of Norway and �slaug Haga, norwegian minister of energy Presentation of the network / RENIXX in the USA, dialogue with McGinty, environment minister of Pennsylvania2006 IWR starts renewable stock index RENIXX� (