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Press Release

Publisher: WKN AG

BGZ AG, energy-consult and WKN Windkraft Nord AG become WKN AG - Merging within the WKN Group

Husum - The BGZ / WKN group located in Husum has set up a plan to simplify its previous company structure with a clear market strategy in mind. BGZ Beteiligungsgesellschaft Zukunftsenergien AG, energy-consult GmbH and WKN Windkraft Nord AG have now become WKN AG. From now on the core business areas of the group as well as technical operation management are all directly a part of WKN AG.

The merger of WKN Windkraft Nord AG und energy-consult Projektgesellschaft mbH into BGZ AG, all companies seated in the House of Future Energies was registered in the Commercial Registry at the end of July 2011 and thus became effective. Along with the merger the name of the company BGZ Beteiligungsgesellschaft Zukunftsenergien AG was changed to WKN AG and also became effective. With regard to the different business areas and markets of WKN AG, the words \"Windkraft Nord\" have thus been deleted.

Following the merger technical operation management energy-consult continues to exist as a brand of WKN AG.

\"We have created a simplified, clear structure with the merger that allows us to focus our market strategy on the traditional company WKN AG,\" Martinus Scherweit, Chairman of the Board, explains as he describes the new organisation of the Husum group.

The new Chairman of the Supervisory Board is Dr Klaus Rave. His predecessor Christina Monticelli, who had served as Supervisory Board Chair with dedication for many years, opted not to run again for the office.


WKN AG has planned, installed and operated turnkey wind farms and solar power systems in Germany since 1990. In addition, WKN AG is also internationally represented by subsidiaries in numerous European countries, South Africa and the US. Up to now, the company has initiated and realized projects with a total of more than 1,050 megawatts capacity.

The headquarters of the WKN-Group are located at the \"House of Future Energies\", an established center of excellence for renewable energy sources in Husum/Germany. 53.65 percent of WKN shares are privately owned by the company’s founder Volker Friedrichsen. About 17 percent are held by diverse private and institutional shareholders while 29.33 percent are in the hands of Siemens Project Ventures. The Chairman of the WKN Supervisory Board is Dr Klaus Rave.

Husum, 1 August 2011

Publication and Reprint free of charge; please send a voucher copy to WKN AG.

Attention editorial offices: For more information, please contact Catrin
Petersen, Head of Communications & Marketing on +49 (0) 48 41 – 89 44 100.

House of Future Energies
Otto-Hahn-Strasse 12 – 16
25813 Husum, Germany
Tel: +49 (0) 4841 – 89 44 100
Fax: +49 (0) 4841 – 89 44 225


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About WKN AG

WKN is a regional enterprise operating at the international level and has been one of the leading project developers in Germany, Europe and South Africa for over 30 years. The service spectrum ranges from site development to planning and financing as well as construction and operation to technical and commercial management, and thus covers all phases of the project planning and operation of wind farms. To date, WKN has initiated and realised projects with a total output of over 2.300 megawatts.

Since July 2018, WKN GmbH has been a 100 percent subsidiary of PNE AG.

Press contact at WKN AG

Catrin Petersen