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Press Release

Publisher: PNE AG

“From our point of view, the decline in PNE AG's share price is driven by speculation”

Cuxhaven (renewablepress) - In the last few trading days, the PNE share price has fallen significantly. From the company's point of view, these sharp price losses are incomprehensible and driven by speculation.

Per Hornung Pedersen, CEO of PNE AG, comments: “From our point of view, there is no reason for the share price slide in the development of PNE’s business or in the fundamentals. On the contrary: as already explained in the report on the first half year, the operational development is progressing well and we are on schedule. We continue to confirm our guidance of an EBITDA of euro 40 to 50 million for the 2024 fiscal year and are confident that we will achieve this. We also believe we are well positioned for the years after 2024.”

About the PNE Group

The internationally operating, listed PNE Group is included in the SDAX as well as the TecDAX. For more than 30 years, it has been one of the most experienced project developers in the field of onshore and offshore wind farms. The focus is on the development of wind energy and photovoltaic projects worldwide as well as on electricity generation with its own wind farms. Its portfolio covers all project planning phases, from site investigation and the implementation of the approval procedures, through financing and construction, to operation and repowering. As a clean energy solutions provider, the PNE Group also offers services for the entire life cycle of wind farms and photovoltaic plants. The PNE Group is a sought-after partner to industry for solutions for the refinement of electricity via power-to-X technologies.

Cuxhaven, 26 August 2024

Publication and Reprint free of charge; please send a voucher copy to PNE AG.

Attention editorial offices - For further questions please contact:

Media contacts:

Alexander Lennemann
Head of Corporate Communications
Phone: +49 (0)4721 - 718-453

Christopher Rodler
Head of Investor Relations
Phone: +49 (0)40 - 87933 114

Peter-Henlein-Straße 2-4
27472 Cuxhaven


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About PNE AG

The internationally operating, listed PNE Group is included in the SDAX as well as the TecDAX. For more than 25 years, it has been one of the most experienced project developers in the field of onshore and offshore wind farms. The focus is on the development of wind power and photovoltaic projects worldwide as well as on electricity generation with its own wind farms. Its portfolio covers all project planning phases, from site investigation and the implementation of the approval procedures, through financing and construction, to operation and repowering.

As a clean energy solutions provider, the PNE Group also offers services for the entire life cycle of wind farms and photovoltaic plants. The PNE Group is a sought-after partner to industry for solutions for the refinement of electricity via power-to-X technologies.

Press contact at PNE AG

Alexander Lennemann
Phone: +49 (0)4721 / 718-453