Press Release
Publisher: wpd windmanager GmbH & Co. KG
wpd windmanager: new cooperation with iTerra and Impax
- Operational manager takes over wind farm management for Häger/Sandruper See wind farm

wpd windmanager takes over operational management for wind farm Häger/Sandruper See
© wpd windmanager GmbH & Co. KGBremen (renewablepress) - New partnership: iTerra energy GmbH assigns wpd windmanager GmbH & Co. KG with the operational management of the Häger/Sandruper See wind farm near Münster. The wind farm, starting operation in April this year, consists of three GE 3.2 MW turbines and a total output of 9.6 MW. Infrastructure fund provider Impax Asset Management also has a 50.1 percent stake in the wind farm. "Impax has already worked very successfully with wpd windmanager in Finland and Poland," says Dr. Claus M. Brodersen, managing director of iTerra. "This experience was of course an excellent basis for the cooperation in Häger/Sandruper See. We are pleased to have found a very experienced and renowned operator in wpd windmanager."
The wind farm is equipped with a GE full maintenance contract over the term of 25 years. In the case of the Häger/Sandruper See wind farm, wpd windmanager also benefits from its many years of experience with GE turbines. For many years now, the company has been pursuing the strategy of using its own manufacturer managers within the framework of the operational management. wpd windmanager looks after a large and very heterogeneous portfolio with 2,550 turbines and around 60 different turbine types. "As a result, we have a great deal of expertise in the area of turbine technology and direct in-house contacts for each of the well-known turbine manufacturers. This facilitates communication enormously – both during commissioning and ongoing operation," explains Gerrit Baerwald, sales and technical management at wpd windmanager. For the operational management, this plant know-how and proximity to the manufacturer are a very significant factor. The operators ultimately benefit from this – as do iTerra and Impax.
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About wpd windmanager
As Germany's leading and internationally expanding company in the commercial and technical operations of wind farms and solar projects, wpd windmanager GmbH & Co. KG currently employs 423 people. Worldwide, wpd windmanager manages 528 wind farms with 2,550 wind turbines, 108 solar farms and a total output of 5,631 Megawatt. For over 20 years, funds, national and international investor groups have relied on the company's know-how. In addition to the core market in Germany, wpd windmanager is active in various other European countries, in South America as well as in Asia. The company is growing continuously: In 2020 alone, additional German sites have been added in Erkelenz and Bremerhaven as well as in Spain, Sweden and Chile. Since 2020, wpd windmanager’s quality management system has been certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001 (Germany).
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Caption: wpd windmanager takes over operational management for wind farm Häger/Sandruper See
© wpd windmanager GmbH & Co. KG
Bremen, 27 May 2021
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