Press Release
Publisher: Solar Promotion GmbH
Wood pellet consumers unaffected by oil price increase
Pforzheim - The unabated increase in oil prices has placed an unwelcome additional strain on household budgets. However, pellet heating systems enjoy an enormous price advantage over other heating methods: investments in a pellet heating system will now be paid off even sooner, despite higher initial costs. Specialist tradesmen, architects, planners and experts in the pellets industry will find a range of high-quality products and services from the European pellet markets at the international trade fair Interpellets 2008. On the third – public – day of the trade fair, end consumers too will be able to see what Interpellets 2008 has in store for them. Interpellets 2008 will be held from October 29 to 31 at the New Trade Fair Centre Stuttgart.
Rising oil prices have led to landlords demanding higher fixed charges for utilities, and homeowners too are reckoning with higher heating bills. A further increase in the price of oil is being expected this summer. There is already talk of oil costing around 170 US dollars a barrel, and a third oil crisis. In June this year, consumers in Germany paid as much as 2,793 euros for 3,000 liters of heating oil, compared with just 1,716 euros the previous year. Within just one year, a massive 1,000 euros more for a delivery of oil. By contrast, heating bills for owners of pellet heating systems have remained the same: in June 2008 a 6 tonne delivery cost just 1,038 euros compared with 1,109 euros last year.
"When it comes to heating costs consideration must not be restricted to the investment costs for the boiler. The key factors determining the economy of the heating system in the 15 to 20 years after the installation of the boiler are the fuel costs," explains Horst Dufner from Solar Promotion, the organizer of Interpellets 2008, the trade fair for pellets technology in Europe.
The latest products and services relating to pellet technology are on display at the Interpellets 2008 trade fair. Visitors will include specialized companies from the plumbing, heating and air conditioning fields, planners, energy consultants as well as dealers, manufacturers and suppliers in the pellets industry. Current market topics are to be taken up by the 8th Pellets Industry Forum to which around 500 participants are expected on the day before the trade fair.
Pforzheim, July 25, 2008
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Pelletsheizer lässt Ölpreiserhöhung kalt
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